Response to the case of Ms Lui Lai Yiu who was sexually abused
On 30 November 2017, Hong Kong athlete Ms Lui Lai Yiu posted on Facebook that she was sexually abused by her coach when she was 13. Ms Lui decided to stand up and raise concern of the public on child sexual abuse. ECSAF deeply regrets what happened to Ms Lui, and admires and supports her speaking out about the sexual assault.
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Submission of views on the consultation paper on “Sexual Offences Involving Children and Persons with Mental Impairment” by Law Reform Commission
The Review of Sexual Offences Sub-committee under Law Reform Commission published a consultation paper carrying preliminary proposals for the reform of the law concerning sexual offences involving children and persons with mental impairment in November 2016. ECSAF responded accordingly to the consultation paper.
More InformationIssuance of response to the incident where a woman with a mental disability was sexually abused
Cheung Kin-wah, a former superintendent of the Bridge of Rehabilitation Company, a home for the mentally disabled in Kwai Chung, was accused of sexually assaulting a mentally handicapped woman, who was under his care. The Department of Justice dropped charges on the ground that the victim was unfit to testify due to post-traumatic stress disorder and intellectual challenges. ECSAF expressed its concern and urged the relevant government departments to take action.
More InformationSubmission of views on Child Custody and Access to Labour and Welfare Bureau
The Labour and Welfare Bureau had prepared a draft Children Proceedings (Parental Responsibility) Bill aiming at putting in place a “parental responsibility model” through legislation and implementing the recommendations of the Law Reform Commission on Child Custody and Access. A public consultation was conducted for this purpose. ECSAF submitted its views on the draft Bill to the Bureau.
More InformationSubmissions of “ views on Support Services for Victims of Child Abuse”
The Subcommittee on Strategy and Measures to Tackle Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence under the Panel on Welfare Services of the Legislative Panel discussed “Support Services for victims of Child Abuse”. ECSAF made a submission to the Subcommittee.
More InformationECSAF President Ms Siao Fong Fong appeals to relevant government departments to take action on publishing of indecent images of the 6-year-old girl in a photo album
It was recently revealed at the Hong Kong Book Fair that a publisher was selling a photo album featuring a six-year-old girl in her underwear. This triggered strong public outrage.
More InformationIssuance of statement on the incident of indecent photos of the 6-year-old girl published in a photo album
It was recently revealed at the Hong Kong Book Fair that a publisher had put on sale a book featuring photos of a six-year-old girl in her underwear. This resulted in strong public response. ECSAF was very concerned about this case and issued a statement outlining its stance.
More InformationResponse to the consultation paper on Rape and Other Non-consensual Sexual Offences by the Law Reform Commission
In September 2012, the Law Reform Commission's Review of Sexual Offences Sub-committee published a consultation paper about "Rape and Other Non-consensual Sexual Offences". ECSAF supported the research proposals in the paper. The review project by the Law Reform Commission consisted of four components. ECSAF hopes that the Law Reform Commission can set a timeline for completion and publication of the remaining three parts of the review project.
More InformationECSAF President Ms Siao Fong Fong supports the Sexual Conviction Record Check (SCRC) and urges the government to set a time frame for its publication
ECSAF supports the government’s proposal to implement the Sexual Conviction Record Check (SCRC), commits itself to follow the SCRC when recruiting employees, and urges the government to pass the legislation as early as possible.
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